Betcha I can TradeMark ""...
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
Betcha I can TradeMark ""...
As I suspected... The JWs are doing a special campaign. That's why there were so many in my neighborhood this morning. They must have managed to get everyone out in service this weekend.
NEW YORK—On August 1, 2014, Jehovah’s Witnesses will begin a month-long global distribution of a new tract entitled Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions? to raise awareness of their official website, Accessible in about 500 languages, with publications available for download in almost 700 languages, is the world’s most translated website.
i think it's hurting the country..
The United States loves to show off the Statue of Liberty to the world as proof of its open arm policy to immigrants from all over the world. But we forget how hypocritical we have been and continue to be.
To an immigrant or refugee the concept of whether they are "legal" or "illegal" has no bearing. Far more important is "being alive" or "being dead." They do not come here to "destroy America" or "steal American jobs," but rather to find food, shelter and safety.
The first Irish influx was due to the great potato famines. The Irish literally lived on potato soup. No potatoes, no soup. No soup, they die. They met with the same type of hatred and discrimination as the blacks and indians did. (See "Gangs of New York" by Martin Scorcese). They would get off the boat and many of the men were immediately conscripted into fighting in the Union army. For many, putting their lives on the line meant at least two meals a day and a clean uniform to wear and their families could stay.
Prior to World War 2 America turned back dozens of refugee ships filled with Jewish families trying to escape the Nazi purges and concentration camps. Like we are doing now with the Central American kids, we turned the ships around and sent them back and many of those innocent families died in camps or were shot as soon as they landed back on German soil. ("Voyage of the Damned.")
America's hands are not as welcoming as we love to portray. Many innocents have been sent back to their countries because they were "too sick, too poor, too crippled," or their skin was too dark. That is the case with the Central American kids. They are "too old, too sick, just more illegal Mexicans, and too needy."
Americans should be ashamed. What has happened to our empathy - or do we even have any left? What if situations were reversed and our kids were in danger? Would you be satisfied to just stay where you are and let the kidnappers or death squads just come and do their nasty deeds? Or would you try to escape - or at least get your kids out of harm's way?
Those of us in the United States know who is behind this anti-Central American immigrant movement. While they may win the moment, the tide will eventually turn and eventually some balance will be found to deal with these problems.
Maybe something is up...
This morning something happened that I have never seen before - at least not since I was a JW in the 1950s-60s.
I was still in bed around 10:00 AM (very late night for me) when I heard the doorbell ring. My puppy immediately went ballistic. I figured it was a neighbor or the UPS delivery man. I tossed on my robe and went down stairs groggy-eyed, unshaven, still half asleep figuring that whoever rang the bell would be long gone.
A young JW fellow in nice khaki pants, pastel shirt and a nice tie - accompanied by a young woman - were still standing at my door waiting patiently. They got to see me at my absolute worst, but I patiently listened as he made his presentation.
Holding a "Where can we find answers to life's big questions?" flyer, he begins by simply reading the title and then the three questions at the bottom: Science? Philosophy? the Bible? He then briefly opens and shows me what is in the interior and then flips to the back and points to the logo.
I asked him what he thought was the answer. "Oh, the Bible, of course."
"Really? For 'big questions'? What about science, history, the economy, recipes, the weather?"
"No, I am talking about 'life's big questions."
"What big questions would you ask it?"
That stopped him for a second, so the young woman with him jumped in. "The important questions!"
"Such as?"
"Why are we here? How did we get here? What will happen to us? When will God destroy this system of things."
At that point, the young man asked if they could step in and discuss it further. I said no, I really wasn't dressed for visitors, my dog needed to be fed, but that they were welcome to return sometime at 'a more reasonable hour.' He gave me the flyer and the left with a very noticeable spring in their step. They must have thought that they have a possible convert just waiting for a bible study.
The really interesting thing for me was what was going on in the background. The street was literally filled with JW couples. From inside my door I could only see across the street and a short distance up the curve to my right, but I could see at least six or seven couples all working together - mostly male/female.
It got me to thinking that maybe all of the apostate bashing about how they tend to just drive into a neighborhood, hit a couple of houses and then leave, might have changed their approach to door to door work. Send a blast of JWs to one neighborhood and keep them together so that they can't skip houses or just sit in their cars. Shame them into knocking every door...
This is also a bit of a change for me. I know that my house has been "marked" for some time as the home of an apostate. I often leave my big window in my office open during the day (I have a really beautiful front yard and view) and when they come in the neighborhood my dog barks to let me know there are strangers around. So I see them pass my house with bookcase or books in hand and then keep moving down the street. Obviously I'm home - they can see me right through the window - but they don't stop. It is strange because I have always been nice to them and welcoming and when I have spoken to them I always let them say their prepared intro. My town is not that big and has three KHs all with fair membership. So based on my experience as a kid they should be hitting my neighborhood (very safe, somewhat upscale) at least 4 times a year. I do get flyers at Memorial and before the District Convention (usually held in our city), but hardly ever just a stop and chat.
The flyer, of course, is interesting in itself, with a graphic of a smart phone right on the front cover. is prominent in the interior as is a photo of a lady sitting at her laptop. The whole point of the flyer is "get on the computer and internet." You really have to focus hard to find "Jehovah's Witnesses" on the back page in very small, thin, and light font. You need a magnifying glass to read (c) 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania deep int the far left corner. There is a qr-code that takes you to a video on
By the way - the JW logo has the separating period on the left of org. They apparently have dumped the version that has the period to the right of JW. If you go to the web page labeled "About Jehovah's Witnesses" and look at the logo in the header photo, you will see that the period is still on the right, whereas the logo on the actual page is actually on the left.
Based on the initial offering...
today i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
At least part of what the speaker said was true:
"What he spew out next just left me speechless. He literally said looking to the audience:
"You are not surviving Armaggedon (sp)...!"
You will not survive Armageddon for two reasons, but not because you "are spiritually weak."
1. There will never be an Armageddon as described by Jehovah's Witnesses or inferred by some biblical quotations.
2. None of us will survive. We are all going to die. Period. End of story.
So go ahead and be "spiritually weak." It won't make a damn bit of difference.
Sorry, but this bit of truth is coming to you from your friend, Juan Viejo.
if a person says that they are not willing to meet with the elders or does not meet with them, will that get them df'ed?
there is a rumor about a person who has left the truth (went inactive) about being imoral.
they do not have the 2 person witness so they can't take actions because of this.
I was DF'd and I told the elders I was not coming to their meeting at the Kingdom Hall. I was falsely accused of cheating on my wife, and had already worked all of that out with her, but the gossips wouldn't let up - so they completely set me up and blindsided me. When they called me on the phone while I was at a JW friend's house, I told them to hold their meeting, but I was not coming. Never regretted my decision. Never once considered reinstatement. Never confessed to anything because I really had nothing to confess about. I was being accused by gossips who had been my friends.
When I look back I'm glad I did not buckle. Freedom is a wonderful thing to have.
since it is the convention season (and i am not attending this year or ever again), and i have been seeing other posts about some of the goings on at the various ic's and rc's, i am reminded of some of the truly embarrassing behavior i have "witnessed" (pun intended) over my lifetime of being a jdub at the various conventions and assemblies.
probably the most disillusioning experience at a convention that i have ever had was one year when i volunteered to be an attendant.
all of the volunteers were asked to attend a special meeting a few months beforehand to get instructions for our duties as attendants.
I attended one afternoon session of a district assembly in September 2012 at the State Fairgrounds arena in Salem, Oregon. It was the Saturday evening session the day they released the Sparlock DVD. I only went there to get a couple of copies. My wife still threatens me with castration or worse if I ever decide to go again. Summer Saturday afternoons are for wine coolers on our deck, not going to a JW convention...
But that aside, I did go that one time. I wore a dressy sport coat and dress slacks, but did not wear a tie nor did I have a badge. I figured the attendants would just consider me "one of the public responding to the invitation that local JWs left at my door without knocking and just sneaking away quietly." But I did get quite a few rather unfriendly stares as I worked my way inside the arena. I found a seat in the upper tier looking straight down at the floor of the arena and the stage. Really, I was very entertained just looking around watching JWs do what they do best.
Down on the main floor (I could see everyone seated down there) I watched as there was constant traffic. Teenagers going to the restroom with a friend or two, mothers going to the restroom with their babies. An occasional brother grabbing an unruly child and hauling them outside for a stern talking-to or worse. It was very much like watching a trail of ants running in rows along the top of a curb.
Upon their return, these young people and mothers would have to work their way back down some rather long rows of folding chairs. If I remember right, there was one large section in the center and two half sections on each side with two aisles dividing the sections. The aisles were always busy with moving bodies - constant from the end of the first prayer until the arena emptied out.
I was up above the main area in a rather steep group of seats. This allowed me to look over the shoulders of the JWs sitting below me. I was shocked - shocked, I say! - to note that about half of those sitting up there were actually looking at their iPads, SmartPhones, and laptops. I noticed that quite a few had two or three screens open and they would switch back and forth whenever they sensed an attendant approaching or lurking behind them. They didn't seem to care if other R&F or strangers like me noticed what they were doing while the talks went on. I was actually glad to see that these folks were pretty normal when they had access to the Internet, even during an assembly session. Of course, several were in different stages of napping, reading other books, or quietly chatting with their family or friends. What I saw was not unexpected - I attended many assemblies and conventions when I was a youngster, but I was amazed at how brazen some of them were about what they were doing.
An interesting thing I also noticed was the hum-drum staccato way all the speakers sounded. Of course I was aware that they were reading a script and could not vary at all at any time - even when the situation might call for it. But I noticed that all of the sentences were about the same length. One sentence would end with a rise, and the next would end with a dip. Up, down - up, down - up, down. Every speaker sounded the same way. If there was a sentence that required emphasis, all the speaker would do is raise his voice slightly and end the sentence or paragraph with an upbeat. It was quite hypnotizing. Even the guests (local pioneers or elders) who would come up and share their personal stories sounded like they were pre-recorded and were only standing there moving their lips. Very sleep inducing for sure.
But back to the subject at hand, but with a bit of a twist. Now what I am about to share is not intended to put down anyone because of their body shape or weight, so please hang on to your slings and arrows:
Heavy or wide people were clearly problematic no matter where they sat - unless they were in a row with easy ingress or egress. Fortunately, the seats on the floor of the arena were all folding chairs.
As I watched, it seemed that nearly every heavy or large sister who was sitting in the middle of a row HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM AT LEAST ONCE EVERY HOUR. Only teenaged girls were needier in that regard. So I would watch as these poor women would have to choose which way to exit. One time to the left, next time to the right, next time flip a coin. Everyone would have to stand up, slide their chairs back, pick up their purses or briefcases, and let the poor lady or older fellow get by. And of course, it would all repeat when the potty person came back to retake their seat. At first, it seemed that all the heavy-weights picked seats in the middle of the pack.
Ah, but then I realized that I was wrong. Many had camped out near the end of a row. As those in the middle needed to work their way to the aisle, poor sister or brother much-larger-than-average would have to struggle to get up and then actually move out into the aisle to let those exiting get by. This was often a major undertaking, in some cases 2 minutes or longer. Then it the same process would be repeated. In almost every case, the large person on the end would have to maneuver in and out of the aisle.
As I sat there I kept thinking, "Why do they put the folding chairs so close to the rows ahead? Why not add a couple of feet between them? But no, the knees of the those sitting in each row, except for the first and last (they could slide their seats back) were pushed so close that almost everyone in the row would have to stand up to let someone out. And there wasn't enough room for heavy people to "suck it in" so that someone could squeeze by them.
So during the whole afternoon session, as I was being put to sleep by the speakers, I was also mesmerized by the almost constant movement - like rows of piano keys scrolling up and down - as I looked at the arena floor. And this movement was constant throughout the entire session, even during the songs and the prayers.
I realized all of this movement had less to do with the need to relieve or replenish bodily fluids. It was from boredom. Most people can sit through a 3-hour movie without getting up and going to the bathroom, but not a convention session. OK, even I have to go sometimes during a movie - if I just finished off an extra large Diet Coke. But watching the movement during a convention session gives "bathroom breaks" a whole new definition in terms of our modern culture.
I found the whole thing very entertaining and caught it all (I never once left my seat for a bathroom break). Next time I go (if my wife is out of town), I will take my camera glasses and film about 20 minutes of the session and then overlay it on a graphic of an ant hill, and speed it up by about 50%. If you watch movies of the old "International Conventions" from the 1950s and 60s you will see that same movement going on while the sessions are going on. Some things never change. It's a scientific fact: Boredom makes one have to go to the bathroom.
her suffering is finally over.
marilyn has been battling cancer for about three years and at times it looked like she would win.
but in the last few months the cancer spread.
Like many of you, Jim Penton's book was the first "apostate" history book I ever read about the JWs. I actually found it in a local Barnes & Noble in Orange County, CA. I'd heard his wife was ill, but did not realize how serious she was.
Jim, if you read this, just realize how many of us out there were helped to find the real truth about the Watchtower and its history thanks to you and the support of your dear wife. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
John Hoyle (Oregon, USA)
yes, you read that correctly.
last night during the service meeting, the cobe gave an announcement that we should start printing or using for any special literature such as the daily text, the yearly calendar, etc... he also mentioned to please cancel any orders of the wt and awake on cds because no one is picking them up and they are piling up.. .
my question is, where did this elder get this info from?
The real "doctrinal" issue before the Watchtower at the moment is whether Jehovah prefers the "dot" on the top right, or the bottom left. Apparently he has not revealed the truth on this pressing issue.